Apple surprises its user every time it brings a new product in market. This time they came up with iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone Special Edition RED too. It is power packed with innovations and new features. When you got your new iPhone, you want to get it all personalize. You want to access your Yahoo mail account with it; you can try it with Safari browser but this is not a better alternative.
Why not configure Yahoo mail account with it?
Do you want to learn how to configure Yahoo mail account in you new iPhone 7?
Your latest Apple iPhone 7 gives you a freedom to access your Yahoo mail account without signing-in with browser. You can easily set-up it in your iPhone 7 and it will be easy to access.
See, how one can configure Yahoo mail in iPhone 7 or more
You can easily configure your Yahoo mail account in iPhone; either automatically or manually too. You can automatically setup your Yahoo mail account using username and password.
When you don’t find ways to configure your Yahoo mail with automatically settings then you can do it manually. We have this step-by-step guide for you. You need to be ready with your email settings but if you don’t have then you can easily lookup here
Here this will try to find out the respective email settings and finish your account setup. If Mail finds your email settings then you need to tap on Done to finish it else move to next step
Incoming mail server
Username: Enter your Yahoo email id
Password: Your Yahoo email password
Outgoing mail server
Username: Enter your Yahoo full email address
Password: Your Yahoo email password
The best part is that Yahoo provides amazing services with an email account and it’s secure too
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